On a lighter note, Riley is growing up so fast! I had to post this recent photo of her! Even though she's naughty (I'm actually getting us a trainer to come to the house & they offer a lifetime guarantee of their services!) I love the hell outta her! xoxox
Saturday, September 19, 2009
On The Lighter Side
Posted by Robyn at 11:21 PM 0 comments
A Little Too Much Togetherness; A Brief Rant.
I love my mom, I honestly do, but I think that we have had a little too much togetherness since I've moved down here. If I don't take her suggestion on every single thing, I'm the bad seed. Tonight I was comparing something & hells forbid I'M right. She sees that I'm not giving into her and she gets all pissy and goes home (oh really, that ISN'T necessarily a punishment ya know!?!)
Wow, it's like I'm 31, I've not gotten knocked up, done drugs or been tossed into prison, so obviously I've been doing at least a few things right. I mean, while a good upbringing helps in that, it's what a person chooses to DO with the knowledge they've been given. Hell, she could've raised me the same way & I could've rebelled & turned into a real shit.
It just frustrates the shit out of me. I gave up my life of complete freedom to move home to mommy so to speak. I wonder what will happen the first time I bring a guy home, why do I feel like someone will be right here making sure her "little girl" is ok. Damn. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe she will realize that I am an ADULT who is doing all that I can to be a successful person. I am not, nor will I ever be perfect. I am not looking for her approval, I am completely fine with living for me. The sooner that she realizes that she doesn't know everything and that we are just going to disagree on things, the sooner that I will stop thinking that I might as well double or triple what I am paying in rent and live somewhere I won't feel like a bug under glass. *grrrrr, sigh* xoxox
Posted by Robyn at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Isn't Life Funny?!
It's always a little crazy when you see someone after a long time and realize that your feelings for that person have completely changed (and SO for the better).
I saw the old "drug of choice" one last time before the afternoon before I left. I realized that my feelings have almost gone away completely. Maybe it has to do with the fact I hadn't seen him in three months. Or, maybe it has something to do with spending time with more quality people. People who deserve my time & attention. People who don't spend 30 minutes at my house, then run off to spend the rest of their days or evenings with people who obviously mean more to them than I do.
Now I can't say one way or another how this person truly feels. He may be acting strange cause he knows that he has damaged what we had forever in a way. I am not unforgiving, but to forgive someone, they have to actually be sorry, and I don't think that he is there at this point. I refuse to hold a grudge. He is a friend (sometimes not so much of a good one, but a friend none the less).
It's funny how one day you can't imagine not seeing someone & three months later, you really almost don't care that the person is standing right in front of you. When you kind of start thinking "God, I could be doing so many other things right now" haha. Life certainly is a funny thing. xoxox
Posted by Robyn at 8:15 AM 0 comments
Getting Settled In
As I'm sure you are all aware, I recently moved back to my beautiful hometown of San Diego. As with any move, it has been a crazy & hectic experience! I HATE moving with a fiery vengance... hence I moved to Chico in '96 and hadn't moved again! The only great part of this move was the fact that I took amazing advantage of the chance to eliminate clutter. Out with the old, in with the new so to speak!
I got rid of most of my furniture (my bed, dresser, 1 entertainment center, my TV & stereo were the only pieces I kept) & started over... that meant a whole lot of shopping! I have a whole new living room & kitchen. My logic in the re-doing everything is that all my previous furniture was my grandmas... this furniture is mine, all chosen by me. If I am starting over, I'm gonna do it the right way & all the way!
I started my online class for Sports Business Management & so far so good! It's very intense as it's only an 8-week class, but it's exciting since it is all information that pertains to what I want to do for a living... Sports (baseball). We do assignnents & post them on a discussion board, then 2 times a week we have 1-hour online chats with the other people in the class & the instructors. It is a lot of work, but they are already very aware of my love for the Padres & they have connections and there is a very great possibility of landing my dream job! Speaking of baseball I have been to 2 games, and will be going to 2 or 3 more before the end of the season! I forgot how much I just LOVE the atmosphere at the ballpark! I love sitting close to the field (minus the worry of getting hit with a broken bat or a ball!) I love the smells & sights (C'mon all the tight baseball pants- no padding like football hehe)and just the feeling of excitement of the game! I got a new Padres too! I love my Padres! :) I am HOME.
Riley is loving having a yard and the cooler weather... but with change of, well, everything, comes the occasional naughty behavior (ie the oops I peed on the carpet, I think I belong on the furniture, and I also think it'd be fun to bite the crap out of mom & grandma.) But she is getting better. It's hard because she LOOKS like a dog, but in reality she is only 5 months old. And she has turned into SUCH a lil water dog!!
In a nutshell, we are settling into our new home nicely. I will post pics once I get the house neatened up a bit & maybe get some curtains and accesories up :)
Posted by Robyn at 7:22 AM 0 comments